How to shop


How to shop

1.Check out our online store

2.When you select a product, click the Buy button next to its description, to put it in the basket. If you wish to buy more than one item, indicate the corresponding number of products in the field next to the Buy button.

3.You can choose as many products as you want - they will all be added to the basket and you can buy them all at once.

4.When you make your final choice, select the option Basket from the main menu, and then - the button Order in the basket.

5.On the Finalize page that appears, you need to fill in your shipping address and your contact details. The fields, which you must fill out, are marked with asterisks.

6.Press the Order button and you're done! You will receive the products you ordered by courier, to whom you will have to pay the total amount, specified in your order. If you have questions, please, write us, to assist you.
If you have questions, please, write us, to assist you.

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